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Transgender Health Resources - Marcus Greatheart MD MSW
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transgender health


the Transgender Project

The CFA-nominated web series broke ground as the first in Canada to profile the lives of everyday trans people.

Transforming Practice

The first book for health providers working with transgender men. is an exploration of life satisfaction, health and wellness among transgender men, as told in their own words. 

Assessment Tool

Get Dr. Greatheart’s Assessment Tool for Transgender-related Stress and Trauma (2013).


find out more

If you are interested in more information regarding health care specific to transgender patients, please leave your contact information and we’ll be sure to keep you updated:

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the transgender project

Produced by Kevin O’Keefe for iChannel
Project Consultant: Marcus Greatheart

The CFA-nominated web series broke ground as the first in Canada to profile the lives of everyday trans people. Unfortunately, iChannel folded and the videos were thought lost. Some, but not all, can now be watched on YouTube and Vimeo via the links below.

boy or girl

The Transgender Project evolved in its second season for OUT TV into the 8-part series Boy or Girl with longer profiles of familiar and some new faces.