addiction medicine
As a family doctor, I work daily with patients living with substance use disorders and prescribe Opioid Agonist Therapy. More recently, my team began managing frail elders with addiction in the long term care setting. Read more about the work in the posts below.
CASE STUDY: My patient with opioid use disorder (OUD) has terrible cancer pain.
Identifying challenges when treating patients with concurrent substance use disorders and cancer pain
Treating cancer pain in patients with Opioid Use Disorder: FREE Resources
People who use drugs (PWUD) deserve same access to primary care as everyone else One of my biggest frustrations as a doctor are the “care-silos” patients get stuck in. A colleague who’d taken a gig at a methadone clinic told me she was reprimanded for prescribing...
How Do We Address Addiction in Long Term Care Facilities?
Last year, I was invited to speak at the Catholic Health Association of BC annual conference about a novel and, for some, controversial pilot project we’re undertaking at our long term care facility in Vancouver. We’ve invited patients taking methadone and other...