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Courses - Marcus Greatheart MD MSW

understand what most doctors overlook

See the whole clinical picture with more effective and efficient communication

Uplevel your medical practice

Get my FREE workbook ’10 Kickass Improvements for Doctor-Patient Communication – Be the Doctor You’d Imagined in Med School’. You’ll also receive timely communication tips to uplevel your medical practice.

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Doctors downplay the importance of communication skills, often considering them “soft skills”

Yet, doctors at all levels struggle to get thorough patient histories and break bad news. Dr. Greatheart’s newest course for doctors, Effective & Efficient Doctor-Patient Communication: Better Patient Care In Less Time will help take YOUR practice to the next level.


Doctors fall victim to these assumptions:


Communication skills aren’t as important in medicine as technical knowledge, and are often considered “soft skills”.


Time spent building rapport is wasted.


Patients will be forthcoming with their histories without the doctor taking the time to build trust.


Patients will answer quickly and be forthcoming, especially when they can see that the doctor is incredibly busy.


Take control of patient appointments


Stop staying late at the clinic.


Finish your work day sooner and see friends and family.


Improve work-life balance.


See more patients and bill better.

Demonstrate empathy to your patients


Help patients be more forthcoming.


Get more accurate patient histories.


Understand patients’ barriers to care.


Improve patient adherence to treatment plans.

Learn to break bad news supportively


Gain confidence in uncomfortable situations.


Manage emotions – yours and your patient’s – more effectively.


Show your patients you care about them.

Most healthcare practitioners can’t see what’s important because of the way they were trained in medical school. The techniques learned in this online course can be implemented in your practice immediately.

My name is
Dr. Marcus Greatheart

Look, I understand the pressures of being a busy physician. I designed this evidence-based training program to help you communicate more effectively with your patients using a simple approach I developed over my years as a social worker and now as a family doctor.

Learn straightforward techniques you can use today. Your practice will thrive and you’ll feel like the doctor you imagined you’d be when you applied to Med School.

– Marcus Greatheart

Dr. Greatheart continues to go above and beyond. He is encouraging and actively engages the group to critically reflect on their experiences. He’s thoughtful and concise. He is personable and often empathizes with his own experiences. I continue to think of Dr.Greatheart as a fantastic mentor. He is an excellent example of an ideal educator. I am excited to continue with Dr.Greatheart and hope to continue to build my skills!”

– Dr. O.M., Toronto, Canada


Marcus Greatheart MD, MSW teaches techniques for Breaking Bad News, using the right tone and body language with patients, and engaged listening to make you a better doctor. He’ll help to disprove the myth that doctors don’t care about patients with simple techniques to show compassion and empathy in your medical practice.


Effective & Efficient Doctor-Patient Communication: Better patient Care In Less Time

Dr. Greatheart’s newest course for doctors includes over 3 hours of video lessons plus customized exercises that will help you improve your practice, and reflect on your values and motivation to practice medicine.


next steps


Register your interest in the course now – course opens in Summer 2021.


Get on the waitlist.


Keep an eye on your email in mid-February for your invitation to register.


Choose from the following options:

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get email support?

You’ll get direct access to Dr. Greatheart for your course-related questions.

What is the Goal-setting and Personalization Call?

On registration, you’ll link to an online schedule app to book a 20 minute phone/Zoom/FaceTime call with Dr. Greatheart to discuss your goals and any unique issues you are working on. The call is not mandatory but participants have found it very useful.

What is involved in the one-on-one communication coaching session?

Available to those who purchase Gold and Platinum packages, you’ll schedule a private 30 minute Zoom/FaceTime session (in addition to the Goal Setting and Personalization Call) to get individual, private feedback. Dr. Greatheart will act as a simulated patient for you to practice your learning from the course process and learn from his direct, kind and generative observation.

What is involved with the individual Communication Coaching Package?

Based on your learning goals, Dr. Greatheart will develop a case study for you and a standardized patient. You will roleplay this relevant clinical scenarios, get on-the-spot coaching for difficult moments, and receive confidential, practical feedback you can use immediately in your practice.

Is the course guaranteed?

Yes, we offer a ‘I learned nothing I didn’t already know’ satisfaction guarantee. Just send us an email.

What technology do I need?

Computer with internet access, and a phone.

How do I get my course completion certificate?

Your certificate will be generated automatically at the end of the course. Let us know if you have any issues.

Can I get Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credit for the course?

Check with your College or Board about requirements. The College of Family Physicians of Canada grants one non-certified credit per hour of participation in this self-learning course.